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Re: use of RSA outside US (was Re: Netscape and 40 bit encry

On Wed, 29 Mar 95, Jonathon Tidswell <t-jont@microsoft.com> posted:

> I thought the [RSA] algorithm was published.

  Well, I certainly hope it's published as I have firm memories of 
  implementing it on a _pocket_calculator_ (an HP-16 can manipulate 
  numbers at the bit level) after reading an article on RSA in Byte 
  magazine about a dozen years ago.  I'd hate to think it dreamed it.

> In which case I write my own code, send it to someone in the US to test
> against real code then use it for any commercial purpose I see fit.

  I'm not a lawyer (my parents are married), but I have to wonder if 
  your "someone" (as he/she is supposedly the only one of you within 
  the jurisdiction of US courts) could be charged with conspiracy to 
  commit a felony, i.e., circumventing the US export control laws.
  Silly?  Yes, but consider how the Department of Justice got Capone.
  Quoting Will Rodgers, "The trouble with Congress is every time they
  make a law, it's a joke, and every time they make a joke, it's a law!"
  Tom Zmudzinski, enticing the unsuspecting onto
  dark and dangerous detours off of the Infobahn.     ;{)
